MN Teachers
2 Members

Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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    Does anyone know where to find Minnesota teacher salary
    schedules? I am considering a move, and would like to know
    if it's even possible. . .I have an MsEd, and 2 years
    teahcing experience in another state, but no MN
    certification as yet.


    All of you who were involved in the I-35 bridge collapse, or
    have friends/family who were there are in my thoughts and
    njteacher /blockquote>

    Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you at
    this time.
    On 8/01/07, Lynne/Texas wrote:
    > All of you who were involved in the I-35 bridge collapse, or
    > have friends/family who were there are in my thoughts and
    > prayers.
    Aug 2, 2007

    First, let me say that I am sorry for the timing of this
    post, but I need the information. Second, my thoughts and
    prayers are with those who suffered losses in the bridge

    I have a friend who is desperately trying to convince
    me that moving to MN will be the best thing in the world
    be...See More
    MN teacher /blockquote>

    Minnesota is wonderful, I could go on and on about the
    positives of living here - finding teaching jobs, however, is
    not one of them. Here is one of the best sites I have found
    for job searching:

    [link removed]

    That might give you an idea. A huge positive is that the cost
    of living is fairly re...See More
    Aug 7, 2007
    MN ESL Teacher /blockquote>

    There are NOT many teaching jobs in Minnesota. English
    especially is not in high demand. That's not to say that
    you wouldn't get hired, but don't count on it. Having
    looked for jobs in other states (6), I would say that
    Minnesota was by far the hardest place to find a job/least
    job openings- and I'm from...See More
    Aug 7, 2007

    My wife and I left Wisconsin (Coulee Region) after teaching
    there for 20 years. Tired of the turmoil, unions, etc.
    Watched the state union work to keep a self-admitted
    pedophile in his position and he eventually became union
    president. Definitely knew then that it was time to go.

    After researching Geo...See More
    view previous comments
    gb Sabrina,

    My school has 35 different nationalities in it. You tell me if we have a DESPERATE need for ESL (or ESOL as it is referred to here.) Our district is EXTREMELY well funded, so they do not hesitate to hire the best.

    The whole state is desperate for esol teachers. Check for statewide listings, and check Gwin...See More
    Sep 3, 2008
    mj Yes, but it is late in the year. Gwinnett County is the name of the school district, so go to the website(Gwinnett county Public Schools) under careers, and they will list the jobs. Just to give you an idea, we have 35 different nationalities in our school, and we are pretty typical for the county/district. We will be opening another 8-10 schools n...See More
    Sep 23, 2008

    Check out the Wisconsn chatboard for a more detailed
    description of Gwinnett County Georgia under the heading of
    Great Teaching jobs (Mark)

    [link removed]

    All he does is post the same garbage over and over,
    clogging the Texas chatboard.

    The Christian Science Monitor recently reported that high
    school English and literature teachers around the country
    are broadening the canon of summer reading list classics to
    include more modern literature, a more diverse set of
    voices, and a smattering of best-sellers.

    Did you ask your students to...See More

    OK this is going to be a very strange post, but I
    needed to make sure that my freeaking out was truly
    justified. I am also posting this on another state board,
    but since the teacher in question teaches in a small town
    near the MN border, I wanted to ask it here too.

    I have a friend who is dating a ...See More

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