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In 1-05 I accepted a plea agreement for Class D Felony;
producing & Distributing Marijuana - my charge was dferred
and was to be expunged after 3 years of succesful
probation. I completed treatment and all and am in my last
year of of probation. I do not fit the sterio type of a
criminal, have a lot of potential as well as values. I
have taken some college and done well. I was making a
decision that a future in teaching would be perfect for me
when I recently found out that despite my supposed
expungement the charge will always come up when it comes
to a teaching license which nowdays requires a federal
background check and considers an expungement to be the
equivelent of a conviction. That hardly seems right but
to my recent surprise durring hours of online research it
is true. If you are a techer licensed/hired before about
200 you are not familiar with the new standards...In Iowa,
as of 2002...See More
Shelly /blockquote>

I can see you predicament. Unfortunately, you broke the law.
You were convicted of producing and distributing marijuana.
No, you did not kill anyone. If you had, you would not have
gotten off so easily. For years, I have been attempting to
get my students to realize that their actions now could
produce unde...See More
May 1, 2006
Randy /blockquote>

Well, miss Judge of the universe. On the contarary, based on
my life's experiences I would be the perfect person to lead
students in the right directin having experienced the wrong
one. I already work with counseling yourths agisnt drugs -
Should I stop? - Am I a danger to them? Pull your head u and
get ...See More
May 2, 2006
Gared /blockquote>


Please don't take this as a personal attack, but based on your
grammar and spelling I'm not sure you should be pursuing a
teaching career. Maybe you are actually better off counseling
youths or doing some sort of social work? I realize that this is
merely a message board and that you likely did n...See More
Sep 20, 2006
4thgradeteacher /blockquote>


It sounds like you are a good youth counselor. This may be your niche. Teaching is a
very hard job. Lots of judging goes on by parents, colleagues, and of course the
students. Yes, we have all made mistakes in the past. However, some mistakes are
more public. If being judged by others is going to...See More
Apr 8, 2007

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