MN Teachers
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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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Are there any teaching jobs in MN? I grew up in MN and miss
it terribly. I have spent the last two years in Mississippi
with Teach for America and I want to MOVE back. I am a bit
intimidated by the job hunting process. Any advice?
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Amy /blockquote>

So is there just a lot of competition for jobs or a lack of job openings? I guess I am
concerned because I have been working at under-performing schools and that might
not look great on a resume. However, thanks for the vote of confidence! And thanks
for responding!

On 1/20/07, teach for america is toug...See More
Jan 22, 2007
minnesotan /blockquote>

I'm kinda in the same boat. Just to let you know, as far as I
know MN doesn't have reciprocity with other states. So, unless
you have an education degree, it would probably be pretty
difficult to get a MN teaching license.

On 1/22/07, Amy wrote:
> So is there just a lot of competition for jobs or a ...See More
Mar 6, 2007
4thgradeteacher /blockquote>

Amy, consider applying to the Catholic schools even if you are of a different faith. They
are often looking for good teachers. I personally know 2 Teach for America alumni who
were hired into Catholic schools in the twin cities. Of course, pay is often less, but the
teaching conditions ...See More
Apr 8, 2007
Alaina /blockquote>

MN DOES have reciprocity with other states... about 20 actually. For
MN certification you will probably need to take the state tests
(praxis, etc) and maybe a couple classes dealing with state
standards. If you have experience teaching, this should not be
very difficult for you to do. If you are truly concerned,...See More
Jan 16, 2008
Rebecca /blockquote>

MN does NOT have reciprocity with any other state and it is a pain in
the butt to get certified here if you did not graduate from a MN state
university. Trust me, I just went through this. I graduated from
University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire but wanted to teach in MN. They
gave me a temporary license and said I...See More
Jun 7, 2008

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