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The Christian Science Monitor recently reported that high
school English and literature teachers around the country
are broadening the canon of summer reading list classics to
include more modern literature, a more diverse set of
voices, and a smattering of best-sellers.

Did you ask your students to read "The House on Mango
Street" or "Jane Eyre"? "The Life of Pi" instead of "Lord
of the Flies"? Did you assign any books you think will be
the “To Kill a Mockingbird” of the Y-generation?

If so, MPR’s “Midmorning” wants to hear from you for a show
on summer reading this Wednesday, August 29th. Click here:
Respond. Please get back to us sometime today.

Did you assign your students the classics, focus more on
modern themes, or assign a blend? What motivated your

Share your insights with MPR News.

We look forward to hearing you. And, please, pass this
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