MN Teachers
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I am a licensed teacher in WI in Physical and Health
Education. My wife teaches math. Last summer I recieved a
job offer at a small school 45 minuts south of Rochester.
Anyway it was my dream job. PE/Health/Activities Director
and a head coaching job. Anyway when they explained the
benefits were explained to me I got this:

$3850 deductible per person - We are pregnant and we were
told after 6 weeks the baby would start to accumulate a
deductible as well!

$500/month towards the premium

$15/25/35 copay for meds and office visits

At the district where my wife teaches, we have no premium
to pay, a $200 deductible, and a $5 copay on meds.

Needless to say we turned down the position, as we were't
prepared to write out a $3850 check to the hospital for her
pregnancy Dr. appointments.

I have 2 questions:

1. Are all school MN district offering these same benefits? ...See More
Maybe I can help? /blockquote>


I feel for you man, but if you don't mind moving, check out
the WIsconsin board under "If you really want to teach..."

We left Wisconsin for Georgia, and our only regret is that
we didn't do it 20 years ago. You and your wife would be
guaranteed jobs here, with a pay scale of 40k-85k and V...See More
Jan 24, 2008
Minnesota Teacher /blockquote>

Good Morning Jim:

I will do my best to answer your two questions.

On question #1, the health insurance figures stated in your
post, for the district south of Rochester, are very good to
excellent by minnesota standards; most union leaders here in
Minnesota would be pating themselves on the back...See More
Jan 24, 2008

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