MN Teachers
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I've been reading the posts on this site and the news and I was wondering if anyone could shed a little light on my situation. I have 2 1/2 years of experience teaching, a Masters in Elementary Ed., TESOL endorsement, Bilingual Spanish Endorsement and Mondern & Classical Languages Endorsement in the state of New Mexico. I also speak Mandarin Chinese and some Vietnamese, but New Mexico doesn't licence bilingual for those languages.

I have family and a step-son in Minnesota and my husband and I are considering moving there to be closer to them. But, I am our primary income and we don't want to move if the situation for teachers is really as bad as it sounds. We have great schools in Rio Rancho and the market for bilingual teachers is fantastic. When I was first endorsed I found schools selling themselves to me rather than vice versa and am now at a school I love and I have a lot of freedom to chose the curriculum I like and teach the way I want. My son gets art ...See More

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