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My husband and I are contemplating a move to the St. Louis
area. I am currently working in California. I hold a
California credential. I have found that I work very well
with ELL students. Which school districts or schools
contain the most ESL students?
Thanks in advance.
michelle /blockquote>

Well, the one thing I can tell you is that my district,
Hazelwood, has a rather large number, but I don't know if we
are one of them that has 'the most'.

On 10/17/07, Nina wrote:
> My husband and I are contemplating a move to the St. Louis
> area. I am currently working in California. I hold a <...See More
Oct 18, 2007
Nina /blockquote>

Thanks Michelle..I will be happy with large.

On 10/18/07, michelle wrote:
> Well, the one thing I can tell you is that my district,
> Hazelwood, has a rather large number, but I don't know if we
> are one of them that has 'the most'.
> On 10/17/07, Nina wrote:
>> ...See More
Oct 18, 2007
ESL Teacher in STL County /blockquote>

In STL County....Hazelwood, Parkway, Rockwood......

On 10/18/07, Nina wrote:
> Thanks Michelle..I will be happy with large.
> Nina
> On 10/18/07, michelle wrote:
>> Well, the one thing I can tell you is that my district,
>> Hazelwood, has a rather large number, but I d...See More
Oct 25, 2007

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