MO Teachers
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I am in need of some advice. I am currently living in
Georgia, I have a BBA and have been working in accounting
for over three years now. I recently decided to switch
careers and become a teacher. I want to teach MS or HS
and in GA we have a program for "career switchers" and I
started taking the necessary tests for that. Now, my
husband is taking a job with the Special Olympics in
Springfield and we will be moving in November. I have
already taken and passed the GACE, GA's basic skills
test. I passed but I am not sure if that test will count
in MO. It replaced the Praxis a few years ago in GA. I
am also taking my content test in a week and am not sure
if that will count in MO either. So my problem is, will
my tests from GA count in MO or do I need to take more
tests once I get to MO, also, what options do I have in MO
to become a teacher with a BBA. I would like to get my
Master's in Accounting, b...See More
Julie/MO /blockquote>

I don't know for sure if you can teach in Missouri with the
education you currently have. You should check out the
teacher certification process on the website I have linked
and/or call them. They will point you in the right
direction. Several people that I know with Bachelor's
degrees and experience in ...See More
Oct 20, 2007
kids are horrible. pay is horrible. hours are horrible... /blockquote>

It took me 12 years to get my degree and credential. I
worked as an aide as I went to school. I thought I knew what
I was getting into. I taught two years and never had a day
off and worked 12-15 hours a day. Literally.
I am going back to the corporate world. At least at the end
of the day, I am free to d...See More
Nov 28, 2007

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