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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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Dear fellow educators,

I am organizing a POSTCARD EXCHANGE for the upcoming school year 2009-2010. I would like it very much to have successful turnout of all the states (provinces and territories are welcome!). My classes and I have enjoyed this experience tremendously over the years.

This project works well when all participants hold up to their promise. I would like one participant from each of the 50 states and DC. In addition, anybody who teaches in Canada feel free to join just inquire!

This will be on a first come, first serve. I will have all info ready mid to late September and email every so often with updates.

If you are interested and willing to make the commitment, please provide the following information:

Name School and grade School's full address Email

If your state is not listed, it is not available-good luck!

Please do not hit me off the list serve so it does not get overloaded!

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