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My name is Karen. I currently teach 5th grade in the state ofCalifornia. I received my orriginal teaching degree from Misouri and will be returning to MO in June in the St Louis area. I am currently bringing my Missouri Credential current. I have earned my Master's Degre. I have met the equirements to be concidered a highly qualified teacher. I have been teaching for 12 years. I am the GATE coordinator and the Science Fair coodinator at my school site. A resume and letters of recommendation can provided. I would appreciate any job vacanacy notices you here of. Thank You, Karen Martin [email removed]
M It's a little early to see those posted. Right now districts with early retirement programs will be getting those notifications by late Jan. Then positions are posted for transfer for teachers within the district. They start looking outside the district in the Spring (March for some of the bigger districts). You didn't say if you were certified GAT...See More
Jan 2, 2010

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