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    Is substitute teaching the way in to getting a full-time teaching position?
    Christi On 9/08/09, sunny wrote: > Is substitute teaching the way in to getting a full-time > teaching position? In many, many cases, YES! This is mostly because the teachers and administrators are able to not only put a name to a face, but they are able to see firsthand if you have what it takes to fit in as an educator at that school.
    Sep 8, 2009
    my paraprofession got upset and threw a deck of uno cards on the floor and told a student to pick them up. i got a written reprimand for my lack of supervison of my parafessional. i have complained numerous times about him but he is friends with the principal. what should i do?
    fatcoach my recommendation would be to keep a journal....

    document everything that is happening......

    also, who gave you the reprimand? if the principal is repremanding you for the actions of your assistant even when you have stated there are obvious problems then your principal is an idiot...

    if your supt is repremanding you then...See More
    Oct 15, 2009
    I'm looking for information regarding SPED services in the Leflore County high schools. I see that the district is on Fall Break until next week, (tried to call today) but I need to know if SPED services are via full inclusion, specialized classes, combination, etc. I have student on my caseload who recently moved from the Leflore school district.
    Yes, by all means, please continue the theme of corporal punishment. I shall seek more edifying chatboards elsewhere.

    Illegitami non carborundum,

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    skylark2648 I think we might also discuss this matter of our dear governor taking another slash at the education budget. That is going to put some of us in grave danger of losing our jobs for next year. Also, the test scores are out, and things seem to be a bit stagnant in that area - no clear improvement on any level. I really think there is more for us Missi...See More
    Oct 15, 2009
    fatcoach cuts are going to hurt.....

    it would be wise for those not teaching core subjects to get certified in core areas...if they think they can pass the tests......i'd like to think that if teachers start getting sent home that "readin, writin, and rithmatic" will be sent home last....

    and i really think teachers should talk about what ...See More
    Oct 16, 2009
    I want to know why states, Mississippi in particular rely so heavily on standardized testing such as PRAXIS for teaching certification?
    Lease coctact us if you are able to teach lessons in a kid friendly environment. THis will be during school hours and offered to children form all over the metro area.
    I am a high school special education teacher that works with juniors and seniors working toward their regular diplomas. Of course the one area that is keeping these seniors from being as successful as possible is stressing over the English II test. I was wondering what other teachers/districts found helpful. I am mostly an inclusion teacher, but I ...See More
    karen bryant USA test prep at [link removed]

    On 11/09/09, MSSPED Teacher wrote: > I am a high school special education teacher that works > with juniors and seniors working toward their regular > diplomas. Of course the one area that is keeping these > seniors from being as successful as possible is stressing > over the English II test....See More
    Nov 10, 2009
    OK, let's talk about the recommendations of the gov. What do you all think? Should a lot of school districts be consolidated? Should we teachers give up our STEP raises next year so that Nationally board certified teachers can get their $6000 bonus? Should junior colleges cut out their sports programs?
    view previous comments
    fatcoach consolidation? yes.... bolivar county for example....6 districts? there are many more like it..... consolidation isn't always the solution, and most teachers won't lose their still need to keep the teacher/student ratio...

    lose step raises? agree.... hell no.... it's hard enough to keep teachers in education

    juco sport...See More
    Dec 3, 2009
    me consolidation---yes. There are too many school districts in mississippi

    step raises? um....NO!

    junior college sports? dont know much about it, so i can't say for sure, but it could be an option.

    On 12/03/09, fatcoach wrote: > consolidation? yes.... bolivar county for example....6 > districts? there are many more li...See More
    Dec 7, 2009
    Licensed Qualified Teachers Needed, various K12 Teaching JOBS Please forward this to Teachers who is now looking for jobs! ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------

    Email David Huang [email removed]]

    School 001 : West Ocean TAIPEI area need a private junior...See More
    I taught in MS Delta for 15 years and moved to GA. GA is in a budget crisses and has furloughed its teacher which breaks contracts and reduces the pay. I am thinking about returning to MS. How is the budget affecting k-12 teachers? I have been gone 3 years.

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