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    This year my principal has merged grades 6-8 reading and
    language-arts together without giving a plan of
    implementation. How should this be approached using the
    new frameworks.
    my opinion /blockquote>

    I don't think you can merge them without a lot of work. Or
    at least not without great difficulty. We have been told
    not to use a book but to just teach the objectives. It
    seems to me that when you look at the language objectives
    they are not related necessrily to the reading ones. Of
    course, if you have ...See More
    Aug 25, 2007

    view previous comments
    just plain tired /blockquote>

    I am tired of being expected to rewrite all my materials to reflect
    higher dok and pretty well on my own time. Frankly, if I was that smart
    I would just go to work for a company and write the stuff at home and
    email it to them.
    Like you I have found the item specs extremely lacking.
    My personal belief is...See More
    Sep 15, 2007
    girl in gulfport /blockquote>

    From what I understand, the state doesn't even completely understand what
    is going on yet. I heard that sample tests are supposed to be out in
    November (not sure how true that is). All of the test book companies (MCT
    Coach, Buckle Down) are scrambling to get things written, but who knows
    how accurate they wi...See More
    Sep 16, 2007

    This is my first year teaching Pre-Algebra and Algebra1. I
    teach 8th grade in Mississippi. I am willing to trade,
    buy, or do just about anything else to get some help with
    lesson plans. I have to believe there is a pay-site or
    experienced person(s) out there that provides sample
    lesson plans.

    t...See More

    do any of yall know of any good voice teachers in the area
    of philadelphia ms? thanks in advance

    do any of yall know of good voice teachers around

    i found the email address on this chatboard for spms and
    tried to get into it. i could not as it required a name
    and password that i had no idea what it was. please,if
    anyone knows how to get into this site i would greatly
    appreciate it. i think it would be so beneficial when we
    are trying to come up wit...See More
    view previous comments
    I've had to use it /blockquote>

    Believe me, SPMS is not all that admin thinks it is. It is true that if you
    are required to make a test on just one objective then you could wind up with
    a 20 page test with long passages and 1 question per passage. If you can use
    multiple objectives then it works out a little better. I have used it for 3
    ye...See More
    Sep 28, 2007
    another thing about SPMS /blockquote>

    I was looking for passages with questions on text organization. The only
    thing I could find on my grade level was sequential order/chronological
    order. Now tell me, do you think Vantage, the SPMS people, knows what will
    be on the MCT2 so all they have included is sequential order??? I think not
    since MDE is ...See More
    Sep 28, 2007

    I hear that in your district that any student who did not
    show growth are on tier intervention. Is that true?
    girl in gulfport /blockquote>

    On 9/18/07, wondering wrote:
    > I hear that in your district that any student who did not
    > show growth are on tier intervention. Is that true?

    In harrison county, students that are in basic or minimum
    are automatically in tiered interventions. And other
    students are placed as needed.
    Sep 19, 2007

    How many of your schools stayed the same level or went up
    or down?
    stayed the same /blockquote>

    My fourth year at this school and we stayed a 3...again.
    It's depressing. We worked our behinds off this past year.
    Our middle and high schools got 2's. :( That was a
    Sep 24, 2007
    girl in gulfport /blockquote>

    On 9/24/07, stayed the same wrote:
    > My fourth year at this school and we stayed a 3...again.
    > It's depressing. We worked our behinds off this past year.
    > Our middle and high schools got 2's. :( That was a
    > decrease.

    We dropped a level. :(
    Sep 25, 2007

    Just wondering what you are getting to spend in your
    classroom. We were majorly disappointed and shocked at our
    school to find out that despite fully funded education, we
    are getting *less* than last year. :( After you buy ink
    and toner, there's hardly anything left.
    view previous comments
    sheshe /blockquote>

    We are getting $175.00 this year. A couple of years ago we
    got about $400.00 so our funds dropped also. However, we
    don't have to buy our paper or toner so that really helps
    Oct 8, 2007
    Christy Z /blockquote>

    Well We are only getting $187. I learned today that we now have to
    give up $60 for the faculty copy supplies. Can they do this legally?
    That will only leave $127. This is terrible. The 1% is not being
    used as intended.
    Oct 10, 2007

    I am trying to write some questions for grade 6, objective
    2b1 identify and infer main idea or topic.... and
    objective 2b3 infer cause and effect based on sequence of
    events .... I have looked at the item specs and don't see
    samples. 6th grade starts on p. 61. Can anyone give me
    some help??
    MS teachers please help with this /blockquote>

    On 10/02/07, dok 2 wrote:
    > I am trying to write some questions for grade 6, objective
    > 2b1 identify and infer main idea or topic.... and
    > objective 2b3 infer cause and effect based on sequence of
    > events .... I have looked at the item specs and don't see
    > samples. 6th grade sta...See More
    Oct 14, 2007

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