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I hear that morale in our district is lower than it has
ever been. What about your districts/schools?
same here--burning out quickly /blockquote>

My coworker and I have both been teaching 4th for the same
number of years...this is our 5th year teaching...and we
both agree that it is the worst year ever. We are tired of
pressure, tired of that panicky feeling when you realize
several students seem to be 2 grades level lower than they
should be and ...See More
Oct 14, 2007
tired teacher /blockquote>

I have kids sitting in my room who are not sped and they are
from 3-4 years behind in reading. They can orally answer some
(make sure you read that as "some") higher order questions but
they certainly can not read 6th grade questions and answer
them. I have taught 19 years and I have never, ever felt like ...See More
Oct 14, 2007
Teachers Rock Do you suppose admin is taking loads of work home > to do at night and on weekends?

I think administrators are at work right now, taking a break by reading this website. Some of us are trying to take the load off our teachers by working 13 hours days during the week and coming in on weekends. But teaching is an honorable and critical p...See More
Oct 24, 2009
MSGIRL On 10/13/07, tired teacher wrote: > I hear that morale in our district is lower than it has > ever been. What about your districts/schools?

I taught school for 30 years and retired after $200.00 was stolen out of my filing cabinet. When that happened, I said, "I do not have to take this anymore. I am retiring." In other words, 3 week...See More
Oct 24, 2009

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