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Do You Live Within 50 Miles of a Cargill Facility?
By: Erin Dysart/UOR/USA/AFSIP Posted: 11/02/2007

Greetings from the AFS Admissions Office in Portland! As
you may be aware, we are now a mere month away from the
Cargill scholarship nomination deadline (December 4th).
And we are looking for more nominees!!!

The nomination process is as simple as 1-2-3. Students can
nominate themselves or, better yet, you could nominate a
special student! Simply go to the Cargill page on the AFS-
USA website and then click “Apply for this Scholarship”
(on the right side of the screen.) The nomination form is
simple, straight-forward, and a breeze to fill-out.

For nominees to be considered for a scholarship, they
live within 50 miles of a Cargill facility.
have a record of academic achievement (3.0 and above).
be between the ages of 15 and 18 at the time of departure.
demonstrate leadership...See More

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