MS Teachers
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Hi all! I am a first year teacher who totally hates where
she works. I love the teaching and know that I don't want
to give it up, but the school system is awful. I can't get
any help or advice from teachers or principals. I get
criticized every time I turn around. I go home crying
almost every night. I know of two other job openings for
January in other school districts, but don't know how to go
about seeing if I can get out of my contract. Has anyone
else ever broken their contract in Mississippi, and does
anyone have any suggestions?

Ready to give up!
fatcoach /blockquote>

one option is to just ask you administrators if you can get
out......sometimes they will allow it....but if they say yes
make sure they put in writing that they have approved it....

if they say no, and you want to leave anyway.... (my
understanding is)...the worst case is your liscense can be
suspen...See More
Dec 7, 2007

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