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Is the MCT2 piloting this year? I was thinking the
results will count, but others think it is a pilot and we
keep status from last year.
answer /blockquote>

I'm not sure anyone really knows yet.

On 3/28/08, Victoria wrote:
> Is the MCT2 piloting this year? I was thinking the
> results will count, but others think it is a pilot and we
> keep status from last year.
Mar 28, 2008
girl in gulfport /blockquote>

On 3/28/08, answer wrote:
> I'm not sure anyone really knows yet.
> On 3/28/08, Victoria wrote:
>> Is the MCT2 piloting this year? I was thinking the
>> results will count, but others think it is a pilot and we
>> keep status from last year.

This is news to me. F...See More
Mar 31, 2008

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