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Yesterday I helped administer the English II test.
Something has to be done. We had been told it would be
harder, but it was ridiculous. The students began the test
at 9:15; it was 2 p.m. before the first ones were
finished. At noon, they were all given a slice of pizza
and a bottle of water. They were given a handful of hard
candy to keep their energy. By lunch time, their eyes were
beginning to glaze over. This almost 5 hours, joined with
the 3 to 4 hours they spent back in March writing the
essay means that the English II test is an 8 or 9 hour
test. Not even the GRE, the MCAT, or other graduate school
test goes like that. And, these are 10th graders! Every
English teacher in the state needs to e-mail Hank Bounds.
Testing is one thing, but this is absurd!
fatcoach /blockquote>

hey....let's hold their hands and read it to them....maybe
they can stay illiterate forever!!!! yay!!!

it's time to cowboy excuses....

On 5/03/08, novels268 wrote:
> Yesterday I helped administer the English II test.
> Something has to be done. We had been told it would be
...See More
May 6, 2008
Catlover72 /blockquote>

Perhaps you would like to find the English II test online and
try it for yourself...

I administered the English test to sophomores as well, and the
students who worked on it the longest were above-average
students in English, fluent readers, who did well on practice
test questions in class. Working on a...See More
May 6, 2008
fatcoach /blockquote>

make no mistake.....i only want to support my fellow

and i'm an english teacher myself......i'm doing 8th now.....but
i've done 10th before......

we can moan about it all we want.....but guess's not
gonna change.....

it's only going to get's o...See More
May 7, 2008

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