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Has anyone been told how to score the practice MCT2 tests
to determine whether you believe your students are at
advanced, proficient, basic, or minimal? What percentages?
??? /blockquote>

I don't see how there could be a really valid way to come up
with a score. My kids did HORRIBLE. I was not really
surprised because we had been told don't use any materials
that have MCT on them. That pretty much was all I had.

On 5/08/08, ready to be finished wrote:
> Has anyone been told how t...See More
May 8, 2008
Victoria /blockquote>

Well, first, I don't think the practice tests are very good at
all. There were several questions on our 4th grade test that
were questionable...especially dealing with persuasive
techniques. ??

Anyway, they haven't even figured out the cut scores for the
real MCT2. I read on the MDE site that there...See More
May 9, 2008
ready to be finished /blockquote>

My kids did HORRIBLE as well. I am a first year teacher in 7th
grade Language Arts. I worked my tail off to get these kids
where they are, and when I looked at their practice tests, it
looked as if I had not done anything with them!!!! Total mess!!

On 5/09/08, Victoria wrote:
> Well, fir...See More
May 13, 2008

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