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So, I'm utterly frustrated and the principal at my school has already talked me out of resigning (can we say "guilt trip?"), but it is just not getting any better. I am a first year band director, and the past couple years have apparently been *play time* for this school's band program. These kids can't read music, ALL of them only want to drum, and I can't convince them otherwise. All they know is SWAC marching concert season. I lose it at least once a day. I can't do this anymore...would it be hard to get a job outside of the state if I were to resign from this position? I still want to teach, just not here. I know they can freeze your license in the state of mississippi, but what about other states? Would they just "look down" on it? On top of everything, I'm not always the most mentally the mental frustration has not only made me physically sick, but I've also contemplated, how should I say it...*ending it all* numerous times...I know if I quit and get a regul...See More
makeitstop Just thought about something...anyone out there looking for a band director job? This honestly may just need someone who's lived in the area all their life...I'm from Missouri...big culture shock. These kids just need someone who's more of a disciplinarian...I'm more of a heart-to- heart kind of teacher, which they don't respond to. And if I could ...See More
Sep 18, 2008
Bo Band Teacher, my heart goes out to you. What about going to your doctor for your mental health needs and getting a statement from your doctor that you need to be let out of your contract for medical reasons. That might help. Even if it meant losing your certificate, you cannot let these kids kill you. I have seen situations in classrooms that not e...See More
Sep 18, 2008
agreeing with Bo On 9/18/08, Bo wrote: > > Band Teacher, my heart goes out to you. What about going to your > doctor for your mental health needs and getting a statement from > your doctor that you need to be let out of your contract for > medical reasons. That might help. Even if it meant losing your > certificate, you cannot let these kids kill ...See More
Sep 18, 2008
been there... You know, you just described the school I work at and the band problems I imagine our new director has to face with them.

I love my school, but you mentioned several things that make your position unique (even if you aren't our band director, the positions seem so similar). It's a very small school, so a very small program. They have had ...See More
Sep 20, 2008
skylark2868 On 9/20/08, been there... wrote: > You know, you just described the school I work at and the > band problems I imagine our new director has to face with > them. > > I love my school, but you mentioned several things that make > your position unique (even if you aren't our band director, > the positions seem so similar). It's a ...See More
Sep 20, 2008

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