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My daughter is in the 7th grade and received a letter today to participate in the Duke University Talent Idendification Program and take the ACT in Feburary. It says the reason they chose her is because she scored a 170 on the MCT2 test, since I did not receive anything yet about her tests, I was wondering what does a score of 170 mean? 170 out of what??
skylark2868 On 10/02/08, Katina wrote: > My daughter is in the 7th grade and received a letter today > to participate in the Duke University Talent Idendification > Program and take the ACT in Feburary. It says the reason > they chose her is because she scored a 170 on the MCT2 > test, since I did not receive anything yet about her tests, > I...See More
Oct 5, 2008
JE from MS I would assume they get the scores through MDE somehow because a bunch of kids at my school got the same information. I would think with the MCT2, Duke had to tweak the information because many of the students were not advanced but still got the information.

On 10/05/08, skylark2868 wrote: > On 10/02/08, Katina wrote: >> My daught...See More
Oct 5, 2008
girl in gulfport I am the person at my school who does Duke referrals. Someone from the school would have to do the referral. I think what the parent is asking is in reference to what the 170 means. It is a scaled score. I haven't seen the new cut-offs for each level, but you can ask the school to provide you the scaled score ranges for each level.

On 10/...See More
Oct 6, 2008
JE from MS I believe anything above 164 is advanced on both tests.
Oct 10, 2008

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