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This is definitely off any education subject, but I find that Mississippi teachers are much more in the know than the rest of the US realizes. Maybe you can answer my question. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in April '07- had chemo, surgery, more chemo, radiation, etc. I hear people say they are a cancer survivor of x yrs. I know many say that we become a "survivor" when we are initially diagnosed, but does that mean that I am now a survivor for 19mts.? or just from when I finished treatment (July '08), or when my scans are clear and have also finished all treatment? This may sound a little odd, but I am not able to ask my oncologist since my husband accompanies me to all my appts. and I try not to make him any more uncomfortable than he already is-he has had a very hard time accepting this (sometimes, more than I have). I appreciate the fact that you are even reading this. Teachers are busier than just about ANY professional that I know of!! Thanks!

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