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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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I was wondering if anyone could tell me what the teacher shortage or surplus situation is in Mississippi. I am an elementary ed teacher who just got a math degree. I happen to be bilingual. I have been shocked to still be receiving offers to teach Spanish while many people just skim right over my actual degrees and certifications. I haven't been in a classroom in a few years so I'm just wondering if I should consider something else. Apparently things have changed in the last few years.

on the coast All I can speak of is my area, and there is no surplus of jobs, for sure. Some districts are under hiring freezes right now. I heard that Long Beach laid of 30+ teachers. You may be able to get something in math, but overall, there are not many jobs at all.

On 6/15/09, Amy Farmer wrote: > I was wondering if anyone could tell me what the...See More
Jun 16, 2009

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