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Yes, by all means, please continue the theme of corporal punishment. I shall seek more edifying chatboards elsewhere.

Illegitami non carborundum,

C Bar On 10/15/09, Dr. Lancaster Oxford, MS wrote: > Yes, by all means, please continue the theme of corporal > punishment. I shall seek more edifying chatboards > elsewhere. > > Illegitami non carborundum, > > SL

Since you are so fed up with post concerning corporal punishment would you please address my question on standar...See More
Oct 15, 2009
skylark2648 I think we might also discuss this matter of our dear governor taking another slash at the education budget. That is going to put some of us in grave danger of losing our jobs for next year. Also, the test scores are out, and things seem to be a bit stagnant in that area - no clear improvement on any level. I really think there is more for us Missi...See More
Oct 15, 2009
fatcoach cuts are going to hurt.....

it would be wise for those not teaching core subjects to get certified in core areas...if they think they can pass the tests......i'd like to think that if teachers start getting sent home that "readin, writin, and rithmatic" will be sent home last....

and i really think teachers should talk about what ...See More
Oct 16, 2009

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