MT Teachers
1 Members

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    Free Summer Workshops on Canal-Era History –

    Learn About One of the Best-Kept Secrets of American
    History: The I&M Canal

    Five-day teacher workshops exploring the themes of
    immigration, transportation, western expansion and city
    building through study of the U.S. Canal Era, using the
    I...See More

    Please desist from misrepresenting yourself as a person
    from EVERY STATE just so you can SPAM the boards.

    Read this:
    [link removed]

    Hello there,

    My name is Amanda and I am about to complete my B.A. in
    History from UC Davis this upcoming June. I will soon be
    getting married and moving to Montana and I really wish to
    teach. My confusion stems from my inability to locate
    specific credential requirements and programs for
    seconda...See More
    Krisie Yother /blockquote>

    Amanda Yother?

    Is there any way that we may know eachother? It looks as
    though you posted this last year... But maybe you'll get my
    response to your post. I'm Krisie, have a twin Katie.
    Originally from MT. Maybe you'll receive this and we'll both
    be surprised we know eachother?

    Krisie Yothe...See More
    Jan 19, 2006

    Some years ago,( about 20 0r 25) I bought a hard cover
    book in a book store, at my home town in Pittsburg, Ks.
    It's title was "Natural Horsemanship/Western Dressage" by
    Charles O'Williams. He was an old time horse trainer from
    Montanna, and that's all he ever did,as far as I know. I
    learned more from tha...See More

    Teachers' Professional Development Programs

    Proyecto Campanario Campanario, begun in 1990, is a
    conservation initiative in the Osa Peninsula dedicated to
    protecting what remains of the lowland tropical rain
    forests of the region. Campanario is actively involved in
    sustainable development efforts in the...See More

    Since 1931, The Experiment in International Living has been
    sending high school students abroad for cross-cultural
    immersion programs. In 1997 we began a special program in
    France for outstanding students. The goal of this special
    program is to combine classic elements of Experiment in
    International Livi...See More

    We only need 9 more states and MT is one of them.

    Here is how it works:

    I am going to start one more time to organize a USA postcard
    > exchange for next school year. I want this to be a 100%
    > success with every class that participates making a
    > committment to see this project through ...See More

    We are in need of the following states still for our
    postcard exchange:

    AL, AK, AZ, AR, CO, CT, DE, DC, HI, ID, IA, KY, LA, ME,
    MD, MA, MN, MO, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NC,ND, RI, SD,TN, VT, VA,
    WA, WI, WY

    If you are interested and your state is listed above
    please email me<...See More

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