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I am reocating to Kalispell in June. I am a NJ teacher
currently holding two standard NJ teaching licenses. I
applied for reciprocity of my licenses through OPI, who
have rejected my credentials.

Although I successfully completed a state run teacher's
program by the NJ Dept of Education, and it was they who
issued my licenses, MT OPI says I have to prove that the
state of NJ DOE approved of the program. Since they issued
the licenses it stands to reason it was state approved, but
they want proof.

OK, so I've appealed to the Commisioner of Education in NJ
for verification, but beaurocracy being what it is in NJ, I
have heard nothing. I have also written my state governor,
and called a variety of NJ DOE offices which are forever
busy. And I am getting nowhere fast with my NJ requests
for help.

I have been teaching for eleven years, and can't imagine
doing anything ...See More

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