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The following states are still needed to complete our
Postcard Exchange:

ONLY the above states are needed.

If you are interested, please e-mail me your school
address. [email removed].

I teach 5th grade and find that a postcard exchange ties
in well as a geography review, as well as writing--the
format of a postcard.

If you choose to join, your job will be to send each
participant a postcard.
Usually I have my class create one postcard and then
photocopy and glue it on individual postcards. In the
letter we include information about our state and our

Then when we receive the various cards from other states
we display them on a bulletin board. I put a U.S. map on
the wall and everytime I receive a card we put a pin in
that city/state and attach the postcard.

My students love receiving the postcards. They have an
opportunity to lear...See More

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Language Arts

Foreign Language