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I teach a course at Montana State University that deals
with all aspects of the creation of meaningful, useful, and
attractive classroom display. Its not really as boring as
it sounds since we use just about every art form and
technology available to create what we call 3-D displays.

My problem is that I think that I'm doing a pretty good job
based on comments from students and other teachers here in
the education department at MSU. The problem being that I
haven't ever done a survey of whats going on out in the
real world. Oh sure, I wander around schools and look at
their displays and talk to teachers on an informal basis,
but I really don't have a feel for what you guys consider
you greatest mistakes, challenges, and successes.


If you could just send a sentence or two about the physical
educational look of your classroom, and how you incorporate
graphics, photographs, video, sculpture...See More

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