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I'm a black woman from the South with 10 years of teaching experience. I am interested in moving to a different state. I just want to experience something different. I know this may sound really stupid but I wonder if there are any black people there??? I knew a black family who lived there about 14 years ago (military family) and they stated there was a lot racism. Is that true? I want a straight up answer. I don't want to have to deal with racism so if anyone knows please just tell me straight out. I know that racism still exist and I know it tends to be more prevalent in certain areas. If I am totally wrong please tell me. Thanks for your help.
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Ellen Just because we have a black president doesn't mean that black people don't suffer discrimination.

On 2/08/09, Darnell 239 wrote: > Billie, > > It is a good thing you are leaving the south. I'm sure the racism > you demonstrate in your classroom doesn't help the student any. > Maybe you should leave teaching there is no roo...See More
Mar 23, 2009
darnell Ellen,

I agree that black people still suffer discrimination and having a black president might not mean anything. However, from reading the post on this site and the type of responses I've received I see their is nothing but still alot of prejudice. Too bad people refuse to believe that the blacks and hispanics will outnumber the whites i...See More
Mar 24, 2009
Montrego On 7/31/08, darnell wrote: > I'm a black woman from the South with 10 years of teaching > experience. I am interested in moving to a different > state. I just want to experience something different. I > know this may sound really stupid but I wonder if there > are any black people there??? I knew a black family who > lived there a...See More
Apr 27, 2010
darnell Montrego,

Unfortunately, racism is still a very big part of our society and from reading you sarcastic response I need to thank you. I can see that Montana is full of racists. Be happy! Montana has one less less African-American you don't have to worry about ever setting foot in your state. on 4/27/10, Montrego wrote:

> On 7/3...See More
Apr 27, 2010
Tom I know this was posted a while ago but if you are looking to move to MT for teaching I would tell you not to worry about racism, especially in the northwestern part of the state. I will say that there are VERY few races represented in MT and the majority is either white or native american. The reality is, we dont see very many black people. Period....See More
Apr 9, 2011

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