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I was accepted into the Northern Plains Transistion to
teaching program and I start classes on Sept. 8th. The
biggest worry I have right now are the field experiences. I
live in a small town and my first worry is being able to
gain access to the sites I need. But I am worried most
about the reports that I have to write. What will the
instructors be looking for, how long are they supposed tobe,
I can drone on forever? Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Maureen in Montana /blockquote>

What university are you working through?
I did a field experience for principal and am now working on
one for superintendent. If you are thoughtful and thorough,
your professors will love it! Be matter of fact, and don't
sweat the big words. Not necessary for a great instructor.
Good luck!
Ema...See More
Sep 5, 2003

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