MT Teachers
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I am hoping someone can give me some information. I will
be relocating from NJ to Montana, and want to continue with
my profession as a teacher.

I'd like to know what the certification process is for the
state, or who to contact for that info.

Thank you for your assistance.

Maureen in Montana /blockquote>

I too moved from NJ to MT. I had to complete 8 credits - not
necessarily anything in particular, just 8 credits to get my
cert here. MT does not accept any administration credits, so
if you want to be a principal, get ready to do your master's
degree over again, like I had to.

Nice plac...See More
Oct 10, 2003
Nicole /blockquote>

Could you list some regions in Montana where they are desperate
for teachers? Thank-you.
Oct 15, 2003

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