- NC Teachers who retire with unreduced benefits get basic insurance without cost (I know there's discussion about this changing for new hires, but I'm talking about those of us who've been in the system a long while and came in under the "old rules").
- This insurance lasts for your whole life, just like your pension.
- This insurance lasts until you're 65 and qualify for Medicare.
- I know you can cover a spouse (at cost) as well ... but what happens if the spouse turns 65 /qualifies for Medicare several years before you?
hst@yahoo.comI believe 1st, 2nd and 4th are true. The coverage at 64 becomes medicare compatible. I have not yet retired and my spouse is 65 . We sought individual insurance for Medicare, but I will (likely) go with state option when I get there. Footnote: Wading through the Medicare options is a nightmare!
JeffOh! Now it all makes sense. The 385 is to pay for the individual health insurance increase. From $15 per month to $50 dollars a month. Thank you all great and mighty General Assembly.
Jeff115C-301.1 This part of NC general statutes prevents a principal from doing this. Feel free to look it up to see the exact wording. At my school, some teachers have agreed to give up their planning to help out when a need arose but guess what, they also got paid for it! Good Luck
I agree that it's not great, and the biggest reason is that it does nothing to help your pension ... because your pension is based upon your salary, not any bonuses you may've received.
I say this next part gently: Sometimes this is a thing they do if they want you to leave.
No, you cannot collect unemployment if you opt not to take this assignment. Again, you're a county employee, and if they offer you a placement in the county and you decline it, you quit voluntarily ... you wouldn't be unemployed.
I can't find for sure if the final salary schedule passed by the Assembly includes the recommended $385.00 one time bonus for veteran teachers 25+ years. Anyone know this for fact? Thanks much!
Hello all, I am a 1st grade TA and I have been asked to take a position at another school. I honestly don't want to do this and will probably refuse the relocation. My question is if I refuse this relocation can I collect unemployment benefits while I look for another job?
"Currently, we are working with the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction to analyze the available data to ensure that every employee is being paid correctly on the new salary schedule. Until the state has resolved the questions that still remain unanswered, we will be paying every employee at the same salary as last year. When the new salary schedules are implemented, you will receive a retroactive payment to make sure that you have been compensated correctly. Please note that not all teachers on the new salary schedule will receive a raise this year. It depends on your years of experience, which is individual for each teacher"
State salary schedules can be found online (google "NC teacher salary") . Those senior teachers that have been getting paid the "greater of the salary schedule or the amount they got in 2014, plus longevity, plus 2014 bonus..blah blah blah...will continue to get the same. Maybe that's where the confusion is because those folks aren't identified in the schedules.
I don't think CMS changed their supplements, did they? I live in Charlotte....teach elsewhere.
Has anyone ever known a situation where a teacher has not passed the Praxis before school starts what will happen to her pay .She has all the coursework completed and her 3 years to have it was June 2017.