"I'M FEELING JUST DUCKY" is a free story/coloring book put out by OSSD (Overcoming The Stigma of Seizure Disorders), of Savannah, GA.
We want to reach as many teachers, students, and communities that we possibly can, as seizure disorders are still one of the most misunderstood ailments in society today.
This book tells the tale of a little duck who has seizures, and how he learns to conquer his fears along the way...thanks to Mother Duck and pals.
Please contact Pam Steadman at [email removed].
It is SO IMPORTANT that ALL children know what to expect during a classmate's seizure. This book reaches out in a very gentle and informative manner.
I thought some of you might be interested in my novel entitled "Soul of the South" which is being tentatively released for the winter of 2005. It is filled with action, romance, and intrigue, as my protagonist serves the South as a spy in Washington, as a diplomat in England and France, and as an officer in the Army of Northern Virginia. My protagonist is also adamantly against slavery, as he makes known to President Lincoln and Confederate President Davis. And, of course, there is much romance in my novel, as my protagonist William Lytham meets a beautiful woman Melanie Wenning from Virginia set against the backdrop of a beautiful woman he meets in France as a Southern diplomat. Without giving away too many details, William marries one of them amidst much acclamation with a surprise individual as the best man. You are more than welcome to read a chapter excerpt and purchase the novel on my web site at [link removed].
Hello everyone, There has been a big response to the postcard exchange. I am still looking for many states. If you are interested please email me at [email removed]:
Alaska Arkansas Conneticut Hawaii Idaho Iowa Louisiana Maryland Minnesota Montana Nebraska Nevada New Mexico North Dakota Oregon South Dakota Utah Vermont Washington Wisconsin Wyoming
I am looking for teachers who are dedicated and will participate fully in this project. Each teacher will be responsible for sending a postcard to each of the other states. Please include information about your state such as state symbols and interesting facts. Our third grade curriculum includes learning about our town so we will include that information as well. In return, you will receive a postcard back from each of the states involved. Address labels will be provided to you if you wish. Also, a list of names, addresses, and school websites will be e- mailed to you.
My goal is to mail address labels by September 15th. The mailing deadline for the postcards is November 4th.
If you are interested in participating in this exchange, please send the following information to my email address: kimberleyg2003yahoo.com.
Name Grade you teach E-mail address Name you would like on mailing label (Ms. G's Third Grade Class) Name of School School Address School or class website address
My name is Courtney Wright and I am a graduate of Peabody College of Vanderbilt with secondary certification (7-12) in English. Currently, I am a graduate student at Northwestern University working under the direction of Dr. Michael E. Roloff in the Department of Communication Studies with a concentration in Interaction and Social Influence. For my 2nd year project, Professor Michael E. Roloff and I are conducting a research study entitled, Classroom justice, principled dissent, and tenure status: Instructor reactions to perceived unfairness (IRB Project # 0423-055). The purpose of this research study is to explore instructor perceptions of, and reactions to, justice violations within school policies and procedures.
I am in desperate need of a population to sample and thus I am asking you, my fellow educators, if you would be willing to volunteer for my study and complete a questionnaire (the link is provided below). I am very interested in having your viewpoints included in this study and would greatly appreciate your being willing to spare a little bit of your time (approximately 45 minutes) to help a fellow educator and hardworking graduate student. The Northwestern University Institutional Review Board (IRB) has approved this research study and your participation will be completely confidential.
Please be gracious enough to complete and return the questionnaire [link provided below] via email. Directions to guide you through this technological process are included below. Because this is a “snowball” survey, we (Professor Roloff and myself) would appreciate it if you would forward this email to at least two fellow educators, one with tenure status and one without. We will appreciate any, and all input we receive regarding instructor perceptions of justice violations in school policies and procedures. Thank you in advance for your support!
Feel free to email me at c-[email removed].
Dr. Michael E. Roloff, Faculty Investigator m-[email removed]
Courtney N. Wright, Co-Investigator c-[email removed]
Please click on the link below to access the survey for the research study conducted by Courtney Wright under the direction of Dr. Michael Roloff entitled, Classroom Justice, Principled Dissent, and Tenure Status: Instructor reactions to perceived unfairness. Once you have accessed the website follow the below instructions:
* Read the enclosed informational letter and consent form
* Click FILE ---> EDIT WITH MICROSOFT WORD to begin completing the survey
* Make the appropriate changes to reflect your responses to the questions (i.e. type open-ended responses, place appropriate number in space provided, etc.)
* Click FILE ---> SAVE AS and save your completed survey to your computer
* Send the saved version of the questionnaire as an email attachment to c-[email removed]
Please purchase and read my novel, SHINE ANNIE. It is a distinct historical novel that has been compared to the writings of Zora Neale Hurston. Copies may be purchased in bookstores and on the Internet at [link removed].