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I work in CA and want to move to NH because I'm
just.....done with the CA school system. My school is
forced to teach from the teachers edition, omitting
nothing, adding nothing. Students are not to get out of
their seats except for emergency. I do direct teaching
(aka lecture) then they do dry worksheets. Then take a
test. We get those fill in the bubble tests about once a
week, no joke. We base grades solely on these tests. We
teach to the test and the state standards. We have
probably 200 state standards and then the tests have their
own standards, so to speak, that we must teach to. Let's
say we're teaching a lesson on reducing fractions. Well
that can ONLY be a one-day lesson because we must move on
to finish the textbook by the last day of school, plus we
must learn everything before the state tests in May. There
is almost never time for history or science, and when
there is, we spend, lets s...See More
Wendy /blockquote>

I teach in Manchester,NH which is the largest city in the
state. We do not teach like you do in CA. We are
encouraged to not only use the book, but also supplement
with whatever else we would like to use. I usually get
through most of my books, but some of them 3/4 of the ways.
I love teaching and living...See More
Feb 11, 2005
gm /blockquote>

My students are only allowed to read the reading book. No book
reports or reading of their choice! All to up their test
scores....and make them hate learning! lol. But honestly...

NH schools sound like heaven! The way schools should be! Got
any job leads....??? :)
Feb 11, 2005
LMcM /blockquote>

Teachers here usually have more choice than you're
describing. Maybe it's the Live Free or Die motto. People
here are very big into local control. But with the choice
comes responsibility. It can be a challenge to find
materials, especially if you are teaching differentiated
lessons. This state also has ...See More
Apr 4, 2005

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