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Hi, I have just begun teaching high school math. A job
came open in the middle of the school year, and I accepted
it. I am the third teacher that these classes have had and
I am running into a very big problem with behavior in one
of my classes. The Asst. Principal is very helpful, and I
am strict with the kids, but I feel like all I can do is
kick kids out of class. I think that some of them are even
trying to get kicked out. So, my qustion is...does anybody
have suggestions on other ways to handle poor behavior in
the classroom? Any thoughts / suggestions would be greatly
Mark Forbes /blockquote>

The biggest mistake that teachers make is feeling that they
have to play the role of the strict teacher. Once a teacher
sets them self up in this manner, students see them as an
enemy. I have been teaching for five years now and I have
never had to send a students out of my room(yet):)

Your best be...See More
Jun 13, 2005

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