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My wife is interested in getting her k-8 certification.
Does anyone know of a school that needs an elementary
position filled that could provide her with this
elem /blockquote>

New Hampshire is an over-saturated market for elementary
education teachers. The ones that are already certified are having a
difficult time with finding a job.

On 6/13/05, Mark Forbes wrote:
> My wife is interested in getting her k-8 certification.
> Does anyone know of a school that needs an...See More
Jun 16, 2005
dotb /blockquote>

If your wife really wants to teach I strongly suggest she
take a look at teh critical shortage list on alt 4 and then
make her plans from there.


On 6/13/05, Mark Forbes wrote:
> My wife is interested in getting her k-8 certification.
> Does anyone know of a school that needs an e...See More
Jul 2, 2005

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