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I am contemplating switching districts to shorten the
commute. I was told by a principal that experience in the
classroom is not always a positive thing. They're going
to look at candidates out of college first because I would
be too expensive for their budget... I have 3 years!!!!
This is the problem with education. In the business world
I would be passed over for lack of experience. I love
teaching but hate the politics!
teacher /blockquote>

I have 15 years of experience and I am searching also in NH. No
wonder I am having problems even getting an interview. Your three
years sounds like not too much experience.

What part of the state are you in (N-S-E-W)? Just curious.

On 6/15/05, me wrote:
> I am contemplating switching distric...See More
Jun 16, 2005
me /blockquote>

this was at a school in central NH
Jun 18, 2005

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