NH Teachers
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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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As you may know I want to leave Arizona and move to New
Hampshire. I will be done with my cert at the end of this
school year. The problem is that we have been in our
current house less than 1 year and must wait until we are
here 2 years (Oct. 29, 2006) to avoid capital gains. And
we currently have $180,000 in equity. I am not giving
Uncle Sam 15% of that.

If we leave in November/December do you think I could find
a job that would start when school resumed in January. I
will have a special ed and elementary certification.

Jo /blockquote>

There are always sped openings but remember that NH is a
rural state and many places are possibly far from where you
may live. Monitor job openings at the site used by all
public schools in the state. Jobs are often also listed at
[link removed]
Aug 29, 2005

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