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I"m currently a high school physics and chemistry teacher in
NJ contemplating a move further north to New Hampshire.
What are the chances of getting a teaching position in New
Hampshire? What are the good things about teaching in New
Hampshire? What are the bad things?

Thanks for your input in advance.
Sunny /blockquote>

On 5/14/06, Chem Physics Teacher wrote:
> I"m currently a high school physics and chemistry teacher in
> NJ contemplating a move further north to New Hampshire.
> What are the chances of getting a teaching position in New
> Hampshire? What are the good things about teaching in New
> Hampshire...See More
May 20, 2006
reality in the granite state /blockquote>

Yes, New Hampshire is a gorgeous state with four seasons and a
treasure trove of hidden beauties from canada to mass. Working
as a teacher here may not be as fruitful a venture.

In many of the SAUs in the Granite State, the Peter
Principal applies. You are going to face a great deal of
cronyism and ...See More
May 23, 2006

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