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Hello fellow educators,

On May 19th I had an interview in NOrthern New Hampshire.
They told me about 2 weeks and they will have made their
minds up. I called last week and they told me they need
another week but they will let me know. My question is
should I call again or wait.

The problem is I REALLY want the job!!
i wouldn't /blockquote>

Don't put all of your eggs into one basket...while they are
trying to make up their minds you need to look else where.

On 6/08/06, Kevin wrote:
> Hello fellow educators,
> On May 19th I had an interview in NOrthern New Hampshire.
> They told me about 2 weeks and they will have made ...See More
Jun 8, 2006
Kevin /blockquote>

I think I have applied to about 80% of the school districts in

On 6/08/06, i wouldn't wrote:
> Don't put all of your eggs into one basket...while they are
> trying to make up their minds you need to look else where.
> On 6/08/06, Kevin wrote:
>> Hello fellow ed...See More
Jun 8, 2006
until you get a job... good luck... /blockquote>

Yes, New Hampshire is a gorgeous state with four seasons and a
treasure trove of hidden beauties from canada to mass. Working
as a teacher here may not be as fruitful a venture.

In many of the SAUs in the Granite State, the Peter
Principal applies. You are going to face a great deal of
cronyism and ...See More
Jun 8, 2006
Kevin /blockquote>

I was called by the Head of the math department and he was the one
that told me one more week(One week would be today)! Don't know
what to do becuase I do not want to frustrate him by calling.

On 6/08/06, until you get a job... good luck... wrote:
> Yes, New Hampshire is a gorgeous state with four se...See More
Jun 8, 2006
give them one more week /blockquote>

Make sure to let them know you were told they would have an answer
by June 1st. Good Luck and Best Wishes.

On 6/08/06, Kevin wrote:
> I was called by the Head of the math department and he was the one
> that told me one more week(One week would be today)! Don't know
> what to do becuase I ...See More
Jun 10, 2006

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