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This is not right! I went on an interview in May and they
told me they would have an answer in two weeks.
Everything seemed good, well that's what I thought. After
the two weeks, I call and they tell me another week,
another week goes by and I call again and they tell me
another week, well I finally get an answer and they tell
me that I do not move onto the next round! Why they could
not tell me this earlier, I do not know.

Their reason was they had a lightning round and that is
what hurt my chances.

So if anyone needs a math teacher please let me know. You
probably already have my resume but I will apply again.

Sorry had to vent
sammy /blockquote>

Welcome to the wonderful world of teaching in New
Hampshire. The hiring process is tilted in favor of locals
and is loaded with cronyism, nepotism and incompetence. The
next time you apply to a specific SAU, staple a check for
$500 dollars to it with a promise for more loot to come if
you get a job, har,...See More
Jun 16, 2006

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