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I have been a teacher for fifteen years, more or
less, and I would like to branch out into a different
position as a professional reader for books on tape, for
example, but would like to know where to begin. I have
some ideas but am looking for some concrete advice and
leads. Anyone out there have some info to share?

Thanks, John
dotb /blockquote>

Hi John,

Most popular books on tape are read by actors. This link
brings you to a site for textbooks on tape. They use
voluteers to make their tapes.

10/07/06, John wrote:
> I have been a teacher for fifteen years, more or
> less, and I would like to branch out into a different
&...See More
Nov 2, 2006
John /blockquote>

Thanks for response DOTB... I have not been successful in
this particular job search. Perhaps it was just a passing


On 11/02/06, dotb wrote:
> Hi John,
> Most popular books on tape are read by actors. This link
> brings you to a site for textbooks on tape. T...See More
Nov 14, 2006

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