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"Book teachers" simply teach directly from the book. All
homework assignments, quizzes and tests are directly
derived from the class text. Their knowledge in the
subject matter is shamefully negligible. Past tests are
shared between students for easy grades. Memorization for
regurgitation is the key to passing their classes.
Administration receives little or no student complaints
for obvious reasons.

"Check collectors" are teachers who, out of incompetence
and/or apathy, do the bare minimum and deprive any viable
educational growth in their pupils. They are simply in
the field for a paycheck, medical and retirement benefits,
and the generous vacation periods. They are better off
working in toll booths.

"Buddy teachers" lack the courage and competence to be
effective instructors; therefore, out of a need for
acceptance and job security, attempt to befriend their
students. One should ...See More

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Language Arts

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