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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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How are the overall teaching opportunities in the state?
My husband and I are both teachers (secondary and
elementary, respectively) and are looking to relocate from
Michigan, where there is close to no teaching jobs
available anywhere! NH is one of the states we are
considering, but want to know how easily we would be able
to find jobs. We would be more interested in living in a
small town or rural area than a city. Any help is
John J. Stone PreK-5 Principal /blockquote>

It is hard to say at this time of year. Contracts come out in April and hopefully
those who are not planning to return let us know ASAP so we can fill those
positions. In my building, preK-5, it looks like I might have about 5 openings
due to retirements, etc. No one leaving because they are not happy. Not sure ...See More
Dec 27, 2007

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