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I have a bachelor's in biology and was one class away from
a minor in chemistry. When I first graduated college (2003)
I was trying to get into animal training/husbandry. Well,
that hasn't really worked out so well and after doing
internships and trying to work my way up, the closest I've
gotten is changing rat cages in a lab. I decided to look
into teaching, since that was one of the options I was
weighing before choosing a major in biology. I was planning
on getting certified in biology under alternate 5 and maybe
chemistry under alternate 4. I was planning on taking the
Praxis I hopefully by the end of the summer after I brush
up on math, and then go on to take the biology subject
test. Do I need to apply for the statement of eligibility
before or after the praxis tests? This is where I get
confused...the order I'm supposed to do everything in. I've
emailed the board of education but they weren't very
helpful i...See More

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