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I live in Weare NH and I am looking for a job within the arts. I have my Bachelors in Fine Art and I need to take the Praxis exam in order to complete my art education certificate but I will be taking it soon. If you know of anything opening up please e-mail me, I really appreciate it. Thanks Lexy
Terri On 3/13/10, Lexy wrote: > I live in Weare NH and I am looking for a job within the > arts. I have my Bachelors in Fine Art and I need to take > the Praxis exam in order to complete my art education > certificate but I will be taking it soon. If you know of > anything opening up please e-mail me, I really appreciate > it. Thanks Le...See More
Apr 5, 2010
keep plugging I disagree with that last post. there are lots of schools who will take a chance on a newbe if you can show what you can do for kids. Budgets are being cut. You are in a better position than someone like myself, with a masters an 22 years experience- no one wants me- I'm too expensive. If you want to teach because you love it- you'll get a job- the...See More
May 10, 2010

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