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I'm a 56 yr old UK Science teacher, with a Phd, coming to live, and possibly teach in New Hampshire in a year or so; with 27 yrs experience teaching Biology up to age 18, and Physics and Chemistry up to age 17. I would really like to know how a few things actually work in schools over there: >>Do staff need to write/design/ the courses they teach and their assessment? >>Is pay linked to results, and if so, what results, and what is the extent of the linkage? >>How tight is cash for equipment/PC access/reprographics? >>To what time extent are staff signed up to email communication from parents (hours per week)? >>What average daily hours are worked on site, and at home? >>What is a ballpark contact ratio (staff/student)in classes? >>Is exam invigilation, and cover for absent colleagues managed in house, or by examiners/substitutes? >>What is a ballpark ratio for hours of contact per week compared to hours of preparation time, and hours of ...See More

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