NJ Teachers
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    I was formerly a LDTC but asked by a district to teach agreed and signed a contract for employment. I became suddenly and seriously ill in November and was unable to continue. The board first agreed to medical leave with pay and then changed to medical leave without pay. My health benefits were continued until the district outsourced them to a thir...See More
    Hi, I need some advice I applied about a month ago to many nj schools but only one reply that is about 25 minutes by car away from me.Lets called this school A. So I did all the interviews and got an offer. At this moment I have not signed the contract yet. And suddenly I got a call from the school that I wanted to work since the beginning and is n...See More
    ron/nj This board is pretty idle. Try posting on the main board for some feedback.

    Jun 28, 2014
    My daughter is interviewing for a district in NJ that does not have a current contract. Will they start her at the 2011/2012 rate for first year teachers? We are assuming so, but thought maybe there are exceptions if they need to fill positions. Thank you for any help you can give her in deciding.
    Terri On 6/24/14, Terry wrote: > My daughter is interviewing for a district in NJ that does > not have a current contract. > Will they start her at the 2011/2012 rate for first year > teachers? > We are assuming so, but thought maybe there are exceptions > if they need to fill positions. > Thank you for any help you can give her in d...See More
    Jun 24, 2014
    My husband and I are trying to relocate from NJ to FL as soon as possible. I was fortunate to land a teaching job beginning in August in FL (no contract signed yet) however he has not yet found a job. He has a final interview with a prospective company at the start of July. I have not yet given my current employer a heads up because without my husb...See More
    Hello -

    I'm a school therapist who was nonrenewed after my first year of unemployment. While told by my supervisor off the record it's because I'm "not a good fit", it is clear to me that this "poor fit" refers to two key things: (1) standing my ground in requiring removal of erroneous Medicaid logs booked under my name (for which the dis...See More
    view previous comments
    anon You are confusing the issue. A RIF is NOT a "non-renewal." A non-renewal is a FIRING of a probationary employee. It still carries a stigma like being a fired terminated teacher.

    The person will have an extremely hard time in this job market finding another position if this administrator decides to blackball the person. "Not a good fit" mea...See More
    May 28, 2014
    anon corrected

    On 5/28/14, anon wrote: > You are confusing the issue. A RIF is NOT a "non-renewal." A > non-renewal is a FIRING of a probationary employee. It still > carries a stigma like being a fired "tenured" teacher. Most applications will still ask if you have ever been non-renewed or "dismissed." > > The person will have a...See More
    May 28, 2014
    Hello -

    I'm a school therapist who was nonrenewed after my first year of unemployment. While told by my supervisor off the record it's because I'm "not a good fit", it is clear to me that this "poor fit" refers to two key things: (1) standing my ground in requiring removal of erroneous Medicaid logs booked under my name (for which the dis...See More
    lease vote everyday in June for Stafford's School Idea in the Pepsi Refresh Contest!

    [link removed]
    Stafford Schools On 6/07/10, Pepsi Refresh Grant $25,000 wrote: > Please vote everyday in June for Stafford's School Idea in > the Pepsi Refresh Contest! > > [link removed]
    Jun 7, 2010
    lease I would appreciate any teachers with the experience of 3, 5, 10 & 15 years of experience to participate in answersing these questions. I only need 4 more teachers, one with 3 yrs exp, 5 yrs, 10 yrs, and 15 yrs. Thank you in advance.

    1. As student achievement and a greater understanding of curriculum have become more relevant, wh...See More
    Is it better to resign in lieu of nonrenewal in your tenure year? How do future employers view resignation in your tenure year? Given the hostile climate for teachers in 2010, should I just have my school nonrenew me?
    Answers Go for the nonrenewal. If you need to collect unemployment, resignation will cause you problems.

    Nonrenewal is NOT seen as a black mark these days.

    Good luck.

    On 6/14/10, A. Reuben wrote: > Is it better to resign in lieu of nonrenewal in your tenure > year? How do future employers view resignation in your > tenur...See More
    Jun 15, 2010
    Hello All! I am in need of a Summer Teaching Position. I applied through my district, but I and several other teachers have gotten no response so close to the Eleventh Hour. I know any teaching employment is tight right now, but I'm open to any suggestions. Thanks

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