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I have made it to the group of finalists for several positions this summer but have not landed a job.(I have three k-12 certifications an MA plus addtl.grad credits, a great resume and great references. One principal actually called back even thought they hired someone else (for the job I most wanted). He said that it was very competitive and that the board decided to go with an in-house candidate but that I made the decision very difficult for them. He said that there was still one more board meeting and that he would still keep me in mind if something were to come up. Was he just being polite and saying this to everyone who did not get the job or did I actually do well but that they did just decide to hire someone internally? Just wondering what any administrators had to say on this. I just can't take it anymore. . . Lynne/ca are you out there?
Steve Sounds like you had a great shot! Take him at his word. They normally don't call unless you were their second choice for the job. If it doesn't work out with the person they hired, they'll call you and certainly keep you in mind for any future openings.

On 8/16/11, ctiam wrote: > I have made it to the group of finalists for several >...See More
Aug 16, 2011

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