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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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My husband and I are both teachers in FL. He grew up in NJ (Sussex County area).

Things are horrific here. In our school district, there are 2,300 homeless students. Unemployment is 10.8% and rising. A family was living in their car in the Wal-Mart parking lot. Most of the kids are on free/ reduced lunch.

My husband has 10 years of experience and only makes $38,600. Family insurance is $800 a month here (we don't have it because we can't afford it). That doesn't even get you dental, vision, s/l disability,etc)

My husband wants us to move back to NJ. Our timeframe would be within 3 years, although it could be as early as June 2012 if he gets laid off. (I need to get a few more years of teaching experience on my resume b/c I've been home with our kids).

I know that our chances of finding a teaching job are about zero. (my sister in law teaches in NJ and tells me they have laid off even tenured teachers in her area). My question is could one of us at ...See More
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C Subbing jobs have gotten tighter, but sometimes you do see districts taking on a few more. We just did. That being said, NJ pays terribly for substitutes. PA,NY,even northern VA pays subs better than NJ. If both of you are on a subbing income, you won't be able to get by in this expensive state. My district in Monmouth County NJ only pays $75 A Day...See More
Jan 29, 2012
InFL Hi again from Florida.

Our district here only pays $75 for subs. They can't find enough good ones. The kids are out of control at many schools and parents just complained that my teacher husband is "doing too much math." You can't win anymore...you really can't. I would put the odds at 50/50 or more that he will quit teaching and find anot...See More
Feb 5, 2012
fl teacher Just wondering what your Fl. district is, I am from NJ, there are many problems there just like in Florida. My BCBS insurance through the district in Fl is around 300.00, it covers my spouse and our 3 grown children are covered until they are 30 years old. Also, did you say NJ teachers get a raise for NB cert?
Feb 18, 2012
InFL Hi again. I'm in Lake County. Conditions are terrible here. Nobody supports teachers: not the parents, not the public, and not the administration. I used to work for a Principal who took pride in the fact that she was known for "making teachers cry." How sick is that? My teacher friends have been attacked by parents (one guy rammed a teacher's car ...See More
Feb 18, 2012
C Sorry for the delay. Yes...as you can see...if NJ and FL have the same salary for something, then there is a problem. 75 in NJ is very different from 75 in FL. NJ is among the worst for substitute teaching. There are districts in Georgia, a cheap southern state, that pay subs MORE than NJ. Please don't move up here on a sub income...unless you have...See More
Feb 28, 2012

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