NJ Teachers
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Fellow teachers, Before anyone slams me for stating my opinion I want to say that I realize that economy is very tough right now and there are plenty of good people out of work in all fields but I need to state my opinion because in NJ we have a Governor who is trying to hold teachers accountable for the failings of the economy in general, specifically the banking industry, housing market, shoddy spending by previous NJ administrations and whatever else he can blame us for. Governor Christie is trying to get rid of tenure and on the face value people say, "That's a good thing because I don't have job security in my banking job." True, but trust me when I tell you that there are politics involved in every school and using student test scores to decide who is effective and who is not is truly one of the worst things that can happen. Administrations can twist and manuever scores any way they want to get the desired results. True, to get rid of a crappy teacher via the Tenure process is lo...See More
Nat On 12/19/11, spedup wrote:

I work in NY, and we have a similar situation, although not nearly as bad. And I mean not NEARLY as bad. We have a hiring freeze as well, it is almost impossible for recent grads to get a job, unless they teach special ed, bilingual, or esl subjects. Those don't have a hiring freeze apply to them. The saddest thi...See More
Jan 3, 2012
Heather in FL I agree. Another point that the public doesn't understand is the blacklisting that happens to teachers. If you get fired as a nurse from a doctor's office because the doc had it in for you, you can apply to other offices, hospitals, and agencies to work. You might end up working even closer to home in your new job. However, as a teacher, I would ha...See More
Jan 3, 2012
Heather in FL On 1/03/12, Heather in FL wrote: > I agree. Another point that the public doesn't understand is

Oops, I thought I was on the main teacher board. How did I end up in NJ? Oh well.
Jan 3, 2012
HereinFL If you think NJ is bad, you can't even imagine how things are in FL. We had the "Value added" model rammed through the legislature this year. All teachers here are on annual contracts forever now. (tenure gone for those who don't already have it). Pay is in the gutter (my friend made $38,000 here and is now making $66,000 in NJ. She says family ins...See More
Jan 5, 2012
True-D teachers of new jersey: the state cannot afford to pay 100% of your health coverage. you complain when teachers are laid off, yet your union refused to negotiate with the state. the NJEA would rather have teachers laid off than have any of you pay additional monies for your benefits. and so sorry, we cannot offer you tenure without personal respons...See More
Mar 6, 2012

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